NHS Manchester University

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Study day for SAGE & THYME facilitators and organisers

20 August 2018

This year’s Study Day is on Tuesday 13th November at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester.

The event includes: presentations from organisations running SAGE & THYME training across the UK; updates from the SAGE & THYME team on issues such as the change in the way SATFAC feedback is given and running the workshop; and an interactive discussion session.

We recommend that at least one person for each SAGE & THYME licence attends the day to ensure that your organisation is up to date on any new developments.

The early bird fee (for booking before 17 September 2018) is £60 per person and the fee thereafter is £80 per person.  Fees charged simply cover the costs.

We are currently organising speakers and workshops, and will advertise the programme once finalised.

Delegates from 2017 SAGE & THYME study day