NHS Manchester University

Online training

Introduction to SAGE & THYME Online


SAGE & THYME Online was developed in 2020 to address the challenges with delivering face to face training during the pandemic.


What are the key features?


  • Equivalent to the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop (delivered face to face).
  • Teaches the communication skills required to: notice distress, hear the concerns that a person may have, and respond helpfully to them.
  • Interactive training including small group work in breakout rooms, a presentation, and films demonstrating the SAGE & THYME structure.
  • Taught to up to 20 participants in 2h 45min using 2 or 3 facilitators.
  • Suitable for all levels of health, social care and other staff (who have clinical or non-clinical roles) students, volunteers and others.


How is the workshop delivered?


We deliver the workshop using Zoom - this is currently more suitable for online teaching than MS Teams (used by many NHS organisations for online meetings).


How are people trained to become SAGE & THYME Online Facilitators?


People wishing to become S&T Online facilitators need to meet the person specification and attend the following:

  1. S&T Online workshop on the morning of day 1
  2. Online SATFAC (OLS) course on the afternoon of day 1 and the whole of day 2 (so 1.5 days in total)
  3. Online assessment session lasting about 3 hours roughly 2 weeks after the OLS (to give them time to practice in advance) – pass/fail outcome as with the SATFAC course


Can S&T Online Facilitators teach the face-to-face S&T Foundation Level workshop?


If your colleagues are qualified to run the face-to-face SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop, then you will also be able to assist them in running this as follows, once you have attended a SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop, they have taught you how to run the rehearsal and you have practiced this with them:

  • Running the small group work
  • Being the healthcare professional in a rehearsal

Note that you are not qualified to be the lead or the patient in a rehearsal.

If your organisation has no trained SAGE & THYME Foundation Level facilitators, then you will need to organise for some to be trained up before you can run the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop, but you would not need a new licence to run the face-to-face training.


How do I find out more?


Description of SAGE & THYME Online workshop

SAGE & THYME Online workshop dates

Description of Online SATFAC and assessment

Online SATFAC and assessment dates


Comparison of face to face and online training – please download the document from the right hand side of this page


Note that not all of our web pages and documents mention SAGE & THYME Online and the Online SATFAC and assessment - we will update these over time.


Comparison of face to face and online training
